Set in 2010s Hong Kong, ten year old Sho and his grandmother work at their family restaurant. In her old age, Nai Nai can no longer keep up with the demands of the dumpling shop. After a turbulent day at the shop, Sho, usually in his own world, springs into action. This 2D animated film has a youthful and sincere story
From pitch to compositing, this production spanned one year. I had the opportunity to work in preproduction with concept art, props and layout design, and illustration of our film's fall poster. During production I rough animated all 13 of the film's effects shots including elemental fx, hands and prop interaction, and a montage of dumpling ingredients.
As a production manager I was responsible for corresponding with the full crew of 30+ artists including animators, visdev artists, voice actors, and sound design/composers. I regularly edited the progressive animatic throughout production, assigned shots to animators and layout artists, recruited additional artists as needed, provided feedback, and wrote documentation for file setup and orienting new team members.
Thanks to our incredible main crew: Director Daya Lee, Victoria Viola-Prioli, Juliette Bianchi, Paul Goguen, Alex Brown, Angelo Vallana, Trenton Stewart, Mike Scandora, and Myles Lane
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